
Unlock Success in Recommerce: Strategic Sourcing Strategies in the Apple-Samsung Dominated Market

Sourcing in recommerce is tough, but with careful planning and the right tools, many issues can be effectively addressed.

For most recommerce or refurbishment companies, solely relying on in-house buyback and trade-in programs may not be a feasible strategy if the ultimate goal is to establish a scalable business. It necessitates engaging with wholesale suppliers. The process involves identifying used device vendors, conducting thorough vetting procedures, trial batches, and consistent tracking to ensure a reliable supply of high-quality products.

"A good rule of thumb in this selection process is to assess the volume of devices traded by a supplier and their reputation" says Stefan Durina, CEO of Beneko and past CEO of Turbado. Additionally, it's prudent to investigate whether the supplier has any reported instances of fraudulent activities. There are valuable online resources available to assist in verifying the credibility of potential suppliers like this LinkedIn group.

It is a seller's market

The current market conditions have created a seller's market, where demand significantly outweighs supply. In such a scenario, you may find yourself in the position of outbidding competitors for the devices you require. This emphasizes the importance of optimizing profits from the devices you do manage to source.

Purchasing batches of devices requires a substantial upfront financial commitment, which can put significant strain on your company's cash flow. Any delays in converting this investment into sales can further exacerbate financial pressures on the organization. Therefore, a well-structured and efficient sourcing strategy becomes all the more crucial in this context.

Sourcing should be part of your sales strategy

What we mean is that the thought process should start from the resale price of a device. A good or bad sourcing is relative to the market clearing price at the time when such device re-enters in your catalog. Having partial, intermittent or worse inconsistent resale prices, can bankrupt even a super performant supply chain. When you consider sourcing devices, the maximum price you should pay can be calculated (simplifying a bit), as

Minimum market resale price - depreciation expected - cost of processing - margin you want - taxes 

Depreciation and resale prices are factors heavily influenced by market dynamics and competition. So if you don’t have continuous, consistent and trustworthy access to competitors data in your sales channels and countries, you are likely leaving money on the table for your competitors and have lower inventory turnover times.

iPhone 11 Grade A retail resale price EU October - November 2023

Let’s look at an example of an Apple iPhone 11 64GB grade A as of late October 2023 at retail level:

  • Average retail resale price from various sources in the European market is 350€
  • 21.5€/month depreciation 
  • 35€ average cost of processing
  • B2C margin say >= 25%  

Basically, in this example, a good sourcing process is the one that can get you iPhones 11 64GB grade A at most at 220€ excl. taxes. 

How long did it take? 1 min with RecommerceIQ ResellWell - our resale market intelligence product. Should you have done it manually, you would have checked maybe Swappie and Backmarket only for your top variants and then guessed the depreciation rate by gut feeling or partial market data. 

Of course I am simplifying here as you also need to consider other costs that reduce your bid price like warehouse, returns, payment method fees, taxes and shipping, but overall you get the point – what a good sourcing is depends on your ability to resell with a desired minimum margin

“Having 360 degrees visibility of market prices and how competitors operate, is like an insurance policy for your business which reduces your risk of being out of the market.“

The competitive advantage

Here is a quick list of how competitor insights result in a competitive advantage. 

Smart sourcing: By keeping an eye on market prices, you can make informed decisions about which products to source, ensuring that they align with market demand.

Cost control: Real-time pricing insights help you negotiate better deals with suppliers and ensure that your sourcing costs remain competitive.

Stock management: Understanding the market allows you to manage your inventory effectively, reducing overstock and understock scenarios.

Data-driven decision-making: Analytics helps you make informed decisions by providing insights into market trends, customer behaviour, and competitor pricing strategies.

Continuous improvement: Regularly analyzing data allows you to identify areas for improvement, adapt to changing market conditions, and fine-tune your strategies.

Predictive analysis: Advanced competitor analytics can help you predict market shifts and customer preferences, enabling proactive decision-making.

Know your maximum sourcing bid, accurately and consistently

This is one of the problems we’re solving at RecommerceIQ. RecommrceIQ BuybackWell and ResellWell are plug-and-play software solutions that will enable businesses in the secondary market to streamline pricing decisions, improve competitiveness, and get data insights of the competitor landscape at scale.

Elena Renner

Customer Success Specialist